Why President Obama’s “Phony Scandals” Comment is Offensive to All Americans

Mr. President you recently referred to the number of scandals pilling up against you as “phony scandals,” so let me address this comment, because frankly sir this is offensive to all Americans. As you are all aware, unless you have lived under a rock or watch MSNBC, there was a terrorist attack on our embassy at Benghazi, in which four brave Americans lost their lives without any action from our president. He left four men to die and if it wasn’t for the courage of two CIA (ex Navy Seal) operatives who broke the chain of command to save these lives the death toll would have been much higher. There was the situation of Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department putting weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels in Operation Fast and Furious, that resulted in the death of at least 1 American border patrol agent and hundreds of Mexicans. We have an IRS that is purposely discriminating against political enemies/conservatives preventing many organizations from gaining tax exempt status and raising money for their political campaigns because, as you know, its hard to win a campaign without money. We have race relations in this country out of control and in flames, as our president poured gasoline on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman fires. There is the NSA that is spying and storing information on American citizens without a warrant, violating our constitutional rights, and the attempt to use drones to target American citizens just to outline a few things going on in this country. Now having outlined some of the scandals Obama is accused of let me address why this is offensive.

Mr. President do you think the families of the Americans you left to die in Benghazi think these scandals are phony? Do you think that the families who have lost loved ones over your gun running scandal, including border patrol agent Brian Terry think these scandals are phony? Do you think conservative voters who had the election possibly stolen from them because your IRS prevented them from rainsing think this is phony? Do you think Americans living in fear to use their freedom of speech rights because your NSA is actively collecting and monitoring all electronic conversations think this is phony? Mr. President you are an embarrassment to all Americans and you, frankly sir, are a threat to our freedom and American way of life! You can threaten CIA agents and Benghazi survivors all you want but the truth of all this will eventually come out and We the People will hold you responsible for your crimes! In fact you made the comment that Trayvon Martin was you back in the day, well Embassador Stevens could have been any of us left to die because of your failure to act! Sorry Mr. President but these scandals are not phony the only phony is the one living in the White House expecting us to believe all this garbage Jay Carney feeds us. Sorry Mr. President but not all of us follow you blindly like sheep!

About mathewphowell

I am a passionate patriot and especially during an election year I feel the dire need to help America get on the right track!
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